Last news April 4 2024 for SMT Industry Search System
SMT-Industry Support here!
In this note, we will share with you the latest updates that came into force on April 3, 2024.
1. The correct display of statistics on the main page has been adjusted, including the tags that companies have chosen.
2. The mechanism for automatically creating a SITEMAP file has been improved so that all new companies are correctly included in search engines.
3. Added specific countries around the world so that each company can introduce itself. The exception is countries under sanctions pressure.
4. The logic for registering on the site and entering data about the company has been improved. Added explanatory text above the fields.
5. Added Captcha to mailboxes to prevent search bots from collecting mailboxes.
6. The mechanism for linking a company to a card has been improved.
7.Added the ability to manually adjust SEO in each company. If the fields are empty, technical support will fill in the data.
In May 2024 there will be the next iteration with functionality updates.